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Réfugiés : les chrétiens malmenés dans les camps en Europe


De l'Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination agains Christians in Europe :

Muslims attacking Christians in Europe – A Disturbing Trend

The Observatory has noticed a concerning rise in cases of intolerance, discrimination, and violence against Christians, particularly among migrants and asylum seekers in Germany and Sweden. 

According to Pastor Gottfried Martens of the Trinity Lutheran Church, “In German refugee camps we have a situation like in Iran. The people are here because of their beliefs and now they live in fear.”

This view is shared by the Abbot of the Russian Orthodox St. George’s monastery and member of the Integration Committee at the German Federal Chancellery, Father Daniel (Irbits): “Christian refugees from Syria, Eritrea and other countries are exposed to humiliation, manhunts and brutal harassment at the camps for refugees by Muslim neighbors. This also relates to the Yazidi religious minority. The cases when humiliation comes to injuries and threats of death are frequent”.

In this special issue, we present instances of this trend:


Islamists threaten Christians in German Refugee Camps

Berlin Pastor Warns of Dire Situation for Christians in Refugee Camps

Russian Orthodox Priest Reports Harassment of Christian Refugees

Syrian Muslim Threatens to Kill Christian Woman's Baby: "I'll kill your baby while you are asleep."

Refugee's Life Threatened After He Revealed Conversion to Christianity: “I will cut your throat. For this, I do not even need permission from IS."

Christians Attacked in Berlin Mitte a Day After Christmas: “I am Muslim! What are you?”

Christians Attacked by Guards in Berlin Refugee Camps

Hamburg Police Arrest Refugee for Attempted Manslaughter

Christian Convert Attacked in Hamburg Refugee Camp

Christian Refugees are Subjected to Violence and Harassment: "They accused me of insulting Islam, beat me, and kicked me in the face," said the Christian convert.


Syrian Arrested on Suspicion of Beating and Threatening 16 Year Old Christian in Borgholm

National Association of Assyrians in Sweden Victim of Arson

Assyrian Christians in Sweden Threatened: "Convert or Die"


12 Christians Killed by Muslims

United Kingdom:

Christian Convert Violently Attacked Outside His Bradford Home

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